Bok-Boon-Ja-Ju: Korea’s Macho, Macho Wine

When people think about Korean wine, they usually think about the soju rice wine. However, the country also offers a selection of delightful fruity wines as well, some of which are available at our Bellevue Korean restaurant. One of the most popular of these is bok-boon-ja-ju.

This wine, made from the juice of wild black raspberries native to the Korean mountains, has a sweet flavor that many people enjoy. It boasts many health properties, like the anti-cancer and anti-aging effects you might expect from some of the dark wines. One of its more traditional uses is to promote masculine virility, making it a popular drink for honeymooners. Indeed, modern science has confirmed that this drink can serve as an effective aphrodisiac.

Come in and try a glass at the Seoul Hot Pot today!

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