What’s the Deal with Prawns?

At our Bellevue Korean restaurant, you can enjoy the great taste of prawns in either one of our soft tofu soups or our delicious seafood pancakes. But how much do you know about prawns? What distinguishes them from shrimp, and what are the health benefits of these shellfish?

In truth, the terms “shrimp” and “prawns” are frequently used interchangeably. However, many people today are drawing a line between the bigger prawns and the smaller shrimp. In either case, they both have largely the same health benefits.

Like most seafood, prawns feature a good dose of the essential omega-3 fatty acids. Since they are also low on the food chain, they simultaneously give you a smaller amount of mercury than many other fish. On top of this, you can also expect a lot of valuable nutrients, including vitamin B12, zinc, iodine, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, iron, calcium, and magnesium. These make the fish valuable for maintaining healthy skin and blood, while also preventing the growth of cancer cells. Make prawns a bigger part of your diet at Seoul Hot Pot today!
